Can I cancel my order?
Yes you can cancel the order only if it is not shipped. If the order has been shipped then unfortunately you cannot cancel that order.

How long will it take for the refund?
After we get a cancellation request we will stop the shipment of the items and we will initiate the refund within 1-2 business days.  Once the refund has been processed it will take 7 business days to reflect in your bank account. If you still haven't received your refund, please check with your bank. Depending on the bank sometimes it will take longer to reflect the refunded amount.

Where will I get the refund amount?
We will refund the amount back to the same account / payment mode that had been used to place the order.

Are there any conditions applicable for the refund?
 Yes. We will process the full refund only in the below conditions:
  In case you have received the wrong product, the product does not match your order.
  In case you have received any damaged product. Please send us an email to  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. along with the photo of the damaged item on the same day when the package was delivered to you

How should I return the product?
You must email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. About any damaged items in your shipment within 48 hours. Right now we do not have reverse pickup so please send the unused product back with in 15 days from the date of refund request along with the original packaging and invoice to the below address:  

Sreeranjini G S
#143, CKN Chambers
1st Main Road, Seshadripuram
Bangalore-560020, Karnataka

Please send your return using a reliable carrier that offers tracking (such as UPS, FedEx, or Priority Mail). The courier charges will be refunded back to your account.

Can I get a replacement instead of refund?
Yes.  You can request for a replacement in the below situations.
 In case you have received the wrong product, the product does not match your order.
 In case you have received any damaged product. Please send us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. along with the photo of the damaged item on the same day when the package was delivered to you.

I got an error while placing an order, what should I do?
Please check your bank account details to see if the amount has been deducted, if yes then the amount will be debited back to your bank account within 7 business days by your bank. If the amount is not debited back even after 7 working days and your bank informs you it's an error from merchants end, that is from our end please send us an email with the error message and the transactions details to  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. If the amount is transferred to our account we will refund the money back within 7 business days.

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